What does your oganization do to let satisfied customers/audiences tell you about their satisfaction? We know that a personally meaningful experience - in the theatre, at the mall, or even on an airplane - results in postitive memories long after the immediate experience has ended. And, if the experience is really great, sometimes the customer would like to tell you so. Does your organization have a way to collect and share such praise? If you're like most organziations and companies, probably not. Many have complaint departments, but not gratitude departments.
I just learned about American Airlies program called Applause. They give frequent travelers who've reached "elite" status a set of preprinted cards - think instant Hallmark moment - to be given to employees who offer exemplary service. http://www.aa.com/i18n/utility/applause.jsp
Who can i tell when I have a great experience at your performance or exhibition? We know that word of mouth is one of the best, and cheapest, marketing methods. Why not prompt people to give postive feedback in the moment, and capture their memory? This simple action might just bring them back for another meaningful experience.