Communicating Value or Cutting Costs?

One of my favorite quotes is by Willie Pieterson, former CEO of Tropicana. Willie says, "You can't cure a value problem through cost reductions." Amen! This cost cutting scenario is rampant among arts and cultural organizations and educational institutions - especially public education. In most cases, we've cut expenses so deeply, there really is no where else to cut. I constantly wonder why arts and cultural organizations and public school districts don't do more to engage people - all the time, not just when we want them to buy a ticket or pass a levy to raise their property taxes. The most common excuses I hear for not engaging the community is lack of time and money. I believe that consistent, authentic dialogue will result in fans who will engage with your organization, tell their friends about the great work you do, and support you with their money. Are you identifying the value you provide that changes people's lives and ways to leverage it? Or, are you focused on finding the next line item to cut?